Types of benefits
You should apply for all of the benefits that are applicable to your case. Please contact us, if you have any questions about what type of benefits you are entitled to.
Regular Disability Benefits (DIB)
- If you have worked and paid enough Social Security taxes and you are disabled, you may be entitled to regular disability benefits. The amount of these benefits will generally depend on what you have paid into the system through social security withholding taxes.
- If you have children who are under 19 and have not yet graduated from high school, they may also be entitled to benefits under your account.
- Benefits typically start 5 full months after you become disabled.
- You may be entitled to medical insurance, under the Medicare system. The Medicare Benefit starts 2 years after you are first entitled to social security disability.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI benefits provide income to a disabled person who meets the financial requirements of the Social Security System.
- There are restrictive limitations on what assets you can have and what income you can make and receive these benefits.
- If you meet the financial requirements, you can receive SSI benefits while you are waiting for a determination of your claim.
- You are entitled to medical coverage under the Medicaid system.
- If you qualify, benefits start the month after you file.
Widow/Widowers Disability Benefits
A surviving spouse is entitled to a percentage of their spouse’s benefits.
- You must show that your deceased spouse paid into the Social Security system.
- You must be between the ages of 50 and 59.
- You must show that you had been married for at least 9 months at the time of death.
Adult Disabled Child
These benefits are designed for an adult disabled child of a person who was insured under the Social Security system.
- The adult child is entitled to a percentage of their parents DIB benefits.
You must show that the child became disabled before the age of 22. - Normally the child has never been married.
- You must show that the child’s parent was insured under the Social Security system and that the parent has retired, has become disabled, or has died.
- The adult child is entitled to a percentage of their parents DIB benefits.
- These benefits are designed for a person who meets the social security definition of blindness.
Why use a lawyer
Applying for and obtaining Social Security Disability benefits can be a complex and often frustrating process. Social Security denies approximately 70% - 75% of the applications for disability. Approximately 60% -70% of these denials are turned into accepted claims after either reconsideration or a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Having a Social Security Disability Lawyer working for you at the beginning stage or assist you when you have been denied benefits, can greatly increase your chances of success at the Social Security Administration.
Simply fill out our form or call us toll-free at 1-800-385-1617 to see if we can assist you.
How we are paid
Thomakos Law office works under a pre-arranged contingency fee agreement. You do not pay us unless the case is resolved and Social Security benefits have been awarded.
How to apply
You should apply for disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. It can take a long time to process an application for disability benefits. Social Security disability benefits are not available until you have been disabled for six full months. You can apply online or at your local Social Security Branch Office. If you are unable to travel other options may be provided such as a phone interview or a home visit. We may be able to process your application faster if you help us by getting any other information we need.
How Long Does It Take
After you apply, it will take anywhere from three to five months to determine if you are eligible for assistance. However, if it is decided that you do qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits then you will be paid from the first full month after you filed your claim. You will receive back payments for the months that you were eligible for benefits, once it is decided that you are eligible.
Have you been denied?
Unfortunately, the Social Security Administration often denies truly disabled claimants. All too often, it takes an experienced Lawyer, with a thorough knowledge of the laws and medical listings, to get disabled claimants benefits.
If you have questions regarding your Social Security case, or would like to receive a free evaluation of you claim, we invite you to fill out our form or call us toll-free at 1-800-385-1617.
What will we do for you?
We will help you determine what benefits you are eligible for and whether you are likely to be considered "disabled" under Social Security rules and regulations.
Free Social Security Case Evaluation
Complete our Social Security Evaluation Form. We will review your information and contact you.